Torque Mapping Boltups


Hexagonal callouts highlight boltups. A table lists Size, Rating, Torque, etc. Generate a Torque Report for several drawings or the whole job.

Example of Entering Boltup and Torque Information:

Load an installation drawing that includes at least one boltset. For the moment we will assume that each bolted joint was drawn in the order of Flange, Boltset, Gasket, Flange(or other flanged item).

Select Edit/Torque Map. A form appears as shown below, populated with a default boltup number, size and rating. You can leave these as they are, or edit them to something else.

You can enter whatever information you have available on Torque, Status, CrewID, and Date. All boltup fields hold a maximum of 10 characters with the exception of Boltup No., which holds up to 13 characters.

If you simply hit Done, the form disappears. The information you entered will be saved with the drawing if you save it. It will still be there if you choose Edit/Boltups again.

To show the information on the drawing in the form of a table, click the Position Table button, and then hit Done. The table appears in the upper left part of the drawing and is selected ready to be positioned and sized. Using the arrow keys, position the table so that it does not interfere with the rest of the drawing. You can also resize the table using Shift-Up or Shift-Down. To accept the table position and size, press Enter.

The drawing now has boltup tags showing the boltup number as shown below.

The boltup tag is always positioned above the tag of the boltset to which it refers. If you need to reposition a boltup tag, just move it to a location where there is space above.

You can come back later and edit, re-create, reposition or resize the table by selecting Edit, Bolt-Ups. The information you entered will still be present.

To delete the table, press F12 and make a window around the table. Press delete. You can make the table reappear again by selecting Edit, Torque Map, Done.

If no Boltsets Were Included

If no boltsets were originally included, it is possible to add them afterwards as in the example below. This drawing needs two Torque Maps, so draw two boltsets at a convenient location.

Press F9 to get into Tag Select mode, then drag one of the boltset tags and drop it on the tag of one of the flanges or gaskets.

You can then select Edit, Torque Map, edit the table, and position it on the drawing.

If you prefer not to show the Torque Table, press F12, draw a box around the table to select it, and press Delete. You can bring it back later by selecting Edit, Torque Map, Position Table. There are also options to get the Torque Table as an Excel sheet or to place that information on the clipboard as shown below.